Tuesday, March 18, 2008

مـــــاذا تعلمــــــــت

تعلمت أنه في الجامعة نتعلم الدروس ثم نواجه الامتحانات ...
أما في الحياة فإننا نواجه الامتحانات وبعدها نتعلم الدروس

تعلمت أن محادثة بسيطة أو حوار قصير مع إنسان حكيم يساوي شهر دراسة

تعلمت أنه لا يهم أين أنت الآن ... ولكن المهم إلى أين تتجه في هذه اللحظة

تعلمت أنه خير للإنسان أن يكون كالسلحفاة في الطريق الصحيح ...
على أن يكون غزالا في الطريق الخطأ

تعلمت أن مفتاح الفشل هو محاولة إرضاء كل شخص تعرفه

تعلمت أنه خير للإنسان أن يندم على ما فعل ... من أن يتحسر على ما لم يفعل

تعلمت أن العمل الجيد أفضل بكثير من الكلام الجيد

تعلمت أن الناس ينسون السرعة التي أنجزت بها عملك ... ويتذكرون نوعية ما أنجزته

تعلمت أنه يوجد كثير يحصلون على النصيحة ... القلة فقط يستفيدون منها

تعلمت أن المتسلق الجيد يركز على هدفه ولا ينظر إلى الاسفل ... حيث المخاطر التي تشتت الذهن

تعلمت أن هناك أناس يسبحون في اتجاه السفينة ... وهناك أناس يضيعون وقتهم بانتظارها

تعلمت أنه لا ينتهي المرء عندما يخسر ... إنما عندما ينسحب

تعلمت أن الذي يكسب بالنهاية ... من لديه القدرة على التحمل والصبر

تعلمت أنه من أكثر الأسلحة الفعالة التي يملكها الإنسان ... هي الوقت والصبر

تعلمت أنه يجب على الإنسان أن يحلم بالنجوم ...
ولكن في نفس الوقت يجب ألا ينسى أن قدميه على الارض

تعلمت أنه عندما تضحك ... يضحك لك العالم ، وعندما تبكي ... تبكي وحدك

تعلمت أن هناك فرق كبير بين التراجع ... والهروب

تعلمت أن الشجرة المثمرة ... هي من يهاجمها الناس

تعلمت أنه من أجمل الأحاسيس هو الشعور من داخلك
بأنك قمت بالعمل الصحيح حتى لو عاداك العالم أجمع

تعلمت أنه إذا لم يجد الإنسان شيئا يموت من أجله ...
فإنه في أغلب الظن لن يجد شيئا يعيش من أجله

تعلمت أن كل ما نراه عظيما في الحياة بدأ بفكرة ومن بداية صغيرة

تعلمت أن الابتسامة لا تكلف شيئا ...ولكنها تعني الكثير

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I would like to share with you these thoughts
"Life was never intended to be a gamble. “Chance” does not rule our universe; “luck” does not influence our existence;

“fate” does not guide our destiny.
God did not bring you into this world to live without a purpose, to exist without a reason, or function without meaning. Let me assure you that you are here, not by chance, but because you are a unique creation of God. He loves you, cares about you, and wants you to know Him as He knows you. God desires to use you, according to His will, to make His great plan known to this generation."

Friday, December 02, 2005

Mount Sinai

Back Again.
I had the oppurtunity to attend the annual conference of the MEFS : the Middle East Fertility Society held in Luxor. I was so happy for many reasons: first of all I was a regisered attendant ,not only an accompanying person (the first time for me to attend a conference after my graduation:-))!!. I was sitting among professors of Obs.& Gynae. from around the world. In my situation, anybody could feel how small he is, how the 7 years of medical scholl is just like some sand in a desert!!! How much do I have to achieve to be able to put a small stone to build this big world!!! In the photo , you will see "sir Rob Edward" the first man who walked on the moon... oops I'm sorry, he is the first to try the IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) (i.e. atfal el anabyb). He was talking to me with unbelievable modesty. I couldn't believe myself. Like a small ant in front mount sinai, I found myself in front of one of the "Men of Honour". Mount Sinai, this terrific land where God appeared to his prophet... to be continued

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Alf Mabrouk For my dear friends
Rafik & Carol
The wedding was wonderfull, full of surprises. Really, it's very nice to be married after a long story of Love. 3o2balna gami3an... tab3an I mean by "3o2balna"the story of love ;-) .The "soiree" was fantastic, everybody was happy to see the 1st of regalet el group beta3na to get married. Alf mabrouk.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

look how the wild flowers grow!!

HI all,
thinking of the future is one of our biggest problems. Now , graduated from medical school & looking for a suitable job (speciality) makes me wonder a lot.
Would it be the best for me? Is there a better speciality? Will I love that? Where will I work? Takleefy haykoun fein? How much will I get from my job? Will I be able to be independable from my parents' money? What is my next step...? Will I work abroad ? Which country ? What certificates will I have to get? Lots of questions... Lots of trouble. Really life isn't easy, & everybody have to decide his own way.
I was really anxious . I was walking around & then I saw this beautifull flower in the street which told me a lot,
"this is why I tell you not to be worried about the food & drink you need to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. (...) Look at the birds: they do not sow seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them! Aren't you much more than birds? (..)And why worry about clothes? look how the wild flowers grow...it is God who clothes the wild grass-grass that is here today and gone tomorrow,burnt up in the oven. Won't he be all the more to sure to cloth you? How little faith you have! So do not start worrying : where will my food come from? (...) Your Father on heaven knows that you need all these things. Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what he requires of you, and he will provide you with all these other things. SO do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings."

Sunday, October 16, 2005

"AL koshk"

You know this is the word used to describe the labour ward in our hospital... I think everybody has heard of what is going in there ... how doctors are treating patients... no respect, no sympathy, no facilities... nothing at all. I have read this comment left by a house officer on the wall & I would like to share it with you

No comment!!

I'm so impressed by the way the work is being achieved in our great hospital, el demerdash... I will publish you some pictures of what's going in there. This piece of paper was posted on yhe "EMERGENCY LAB." of the obstetrics& Gynae. hospital... waiting for your comments
It Says: "al ma3mal mo3'lak lemodet nesf sa3a fakat men agl al eftar wa shokran"
we kol sana wento tayebeen

Back to life

Hi all , I know I have been away for a long time.... mais, c'est la vie!!! I've been working day & night for a long time & I was not so encouraged to write as I thought nobody will be reading till I went out with a really nice group of bloggers who encouraged me. I hope you will leave me some comments.

Monday, June 27, 2005


"Seul l'inconnu epouvante les hommes. Mais pour quiconque l'affronte il n'est plus deja l'inconnu."
Antoine de Sainte exupery (Terre de hommes)
J'espere que vous reflechissez bien a cette parole..